Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Update- Yes, I'm still alive!

I know it's been forever since I've blogged (for all of my four readers!) I've been meaning to get to blogging regularly but well, life gets in the way. A lot has happened since my last post. Here's the brief rundown:

  • I went to Brazil- amazing experience! It was very different from Rwanda in so many different ways. The trip stretched me and taught me so much about letting the Holy Spirit lead and move.

  • Three of my close friends are having babies (one boy and one girl so far!) so I'm looking forward to loving those babies!!

  • Work is steady busy and I've tranistioned to doing what I love about 98% of the time.

  • My families are starting to come home with their children- love this part of my job!

  • Portico has moved into the Palace- love my community!

  • At the urgent plea of one my close friends, I tried online dating again...well, this time it worked!!!! I met a wonderful, godly guy and we've been dating since May. God's timing is all over this and I love how He works. Funny thing is D and I really could have known each other for years- our paths have interesected several times and we didnt' know it. The craziest is when my mom showed us the poster from BCM summer missions in 2002 with both of our pictures on it!!!!! D is everything I've prayed for and didn't even know I needed.

That's a picture of us at the top..can't get it to post to the bottom of the writing..suggestions? Anyway, that's a bit of what's going on with me...will try to be better about posting. :)