Saturday, December 11, 2010

Long overdue update!!!!

I didn't realize it had been since July since my last post! The past few months have been extremely busy to say the least and well, Life happens. I'm going to try get better at posting. I read other people's blogs and think "my life is not interesting enough to blog about!" Here's a recap of the past few months.

  • August- we celebrated my Maw Maw's 90th birthday. It was a lot of fun. My little cousin was upset that Granny didn't have a waterslide at her party. My mom also turned 60!(I hope I get her genes- she doesn't look 60 at all!) My parents and I went to Arkansas for a mini vacation.
  • September- I went back to Ridgecrest in NC. Amazing as usual. Met a lot of really great people and got to witness a love story (not my own!) unfold between my dear friend Andi and my new friend Jonathan.
  • October- This month is a blur and was a tough month. My Maw Maw suffered a stroke and went to be with the Lord. She lived a long life and showed us how strong she really was. I got to spend some time with her before the stroke happened and it was precious time. THe funeral was beautiful and very fitting. I sang "It is Well With my Soul." This was her request-several years ago, she heard me sing it and told me that's what she wanted me to sing at her funeral. Later on, we found the song and "How Great Thou Art" written on a napkin and tucked in her Bible. I miss her terribly, but am so blessed beyond measure and words at having her in my life. I was able to experience the body of Christ and community during this time. It was amazing to be able to know that I was being lifted up in prayer and being able to ask for it freely.
  • November- Thanksgiving- very different this year. Still, it was nice to be at home and be with my family.
  • December- busy month!! My second "niece" is due to arrive any day now, my house is all decorated for Christmas, and Andi and Jonathan are now engaged! Love being to celebrate with them. Looking forward to going home for a week and unwind.

A lot has happened in the past few months, but another great thing is on the horizon. I'm going to RWANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super excited- mom and dad are less than thrilled. (They should know by now that I like to give them heart attacks with my adventures). I'm going at the end of May for 2 weeks (3 days after I turn 30--how cool is that!) with Portico. Not sure exactly what all we'll be doing, but I know that one project is an art camp for public school kids and there is a possibility that I'll get to spend some time in an oprhanage. Super excited about that. I could just spend the entire 2 weeks there. My mom said that I can't come home with any babies. LOL Fundraising has begun for our team. We need to raise about $33,000 for 11 of us to go. This is a faith challenge for me. I know that God funds what He favors, but that's a lot of change. Please pray for our team as we fundraise and plan for this trip.

Work has been steady busy with adoption and foster care. I love it (most days!) and it fuels my passion for the heart of the orphan even more. I am so thankful that God is given me this passion and a place to serve Him. I'm learning so much from the families that I work with and they inspire me. One thing God showed me at Ridgecrest that my job is more than a job. It's my calling right now and I'm to love the people put in front of me.

Singleness- well still in this season of singleness, but am learning so much while in it. Don't get me wrong, there are days when I absolutley hate it and hate coming home to an empty house, but God is faithful. He's doing a work in me right now during this season and I know also in my future husband, wherever he may be (in the Sahara desert, with sand in his eyes, trying to find his way back to me! LOL) But seriously, there is a peace and a promise in the waiting. That's amazing to me.

I'm in a great ladies Bible Study- "The Lies that Women Believe" and it's eating my lunch right now! This week is on priorities. I'm still processing it and will write more soon. Portico is starting a women's ministry and I'm on the leadership team. I love the women that God has put together and can't wait to see what all He will do through this ministry.

Okay, I think this is enough catch up for now. (I'm not even sure who reads this anymore!) I'm going to do my best to post more frequently.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

I read it. Love ya! Keep up the good work.