Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Another Lesson Learned...

Do you ever just feel like that God keeps trying to show the same lesson repeatedly, but for some reason, you just don't get it? I know that we've all been there. I think that mine has been lately is "Slow down." Some days I just feel like I'm on auto pilot, flitting from one thing to the next. Slowing down is an important thing. Think about why we have speed limits, why there are signs that say "Slow Down, children at play." When we move too fast, we don't pay attention, we get careless. Slowing down prevents major things from happening.

Yesterday, I had a prime lesson in this, but it was also a lesson in grace. I shared some information from a dear friend in the form of a prayer request. (I know, I know..typical Christian execuse for gossiping) but honestly, I didn't even think about the outcome. I got the email and hit forward. Only later when someone else asked me about it, I was like, "Oh, shoot. " I didn't even to stop to ask if this was okay. I felt horrible. So i called my friend and apologized. I was crying, I felt so bad, like sick to my stomach, "I can't believe that I just did that" bad. I was expecting anger and hurt, but instead I got compassion and grace. He told me that he understood and that it was okay..it made it easier for people to know how to pray for the situation. I was still crying by this point, but felt much better. It could have been so much worse. What was an honest oversight could have had major implications.

I was thinking about this...how when we get so caught up in life, we forget to live wisely, to be careful, to slow down, we forget to think. God, teach me again to slow down.


S. said...

Great blog....I think it's a lesson that we all need to learn...how to slow down. Why is it so hard for us to slow down?

On another blog that I read...it talks about the word "Selah" that is found in Psalms...its translation is pause, reflect...
We all need more Selah moments in our life.


Unknown said...

i just had a conversation like this last night with a friend! great blog!